Book Your Movement Mechanics Mastery Call

For Coaches, PTs and Manual Therapists who want to take their movement understanding and service to the next level.

  • Delivery Details

    -12 Progressive Modules to work through at your own pace
    -Zoom Q&A sessions + Direct Message support access to Ash for extra explanation
    -Assignments to test your understanding, theory and practical to put the skills into action

  • Support

    -Resource Library, with ongoing updates, exercise library and additional videos explaining other topics
    -Discussion group for support with homework assignments and to get extra eyes your client videos as well as learn from other coaches’ questions and clients

  • Syllabus

    The science of movement including:
    -Muscle loading theory & compenation patterns
    -The interaction of bones, joints and muscles
    -How to model movement in 3 Dimensional Space
    -Assessing Ankle, Hips, Spine & Shoulders for Mobility, Stability and Motor Control

  • Outcomes

    -Improve results, reduce injury risk and earn referrals as a movement specialist
    -Gain the ability to perform muscle imbalance assessments and develop Coach’s Eye to spot dysfunction without an assessment
    -Design exercises to improve clients’ mechanics to reduce pain and improve performance

What The Mentees Are Saying

From the mentorship I took away a different way of looking at movement, programming, exercise selection/design. A far more comprehensive assessment protocol than I have previously worked through and deeper understanding of how the body compensates/moves in general.

I found exercise design fascinating. The slight adjustment that changes the face of a movement.
I am a more practical person, so gravitated more towards those tasks. But the theory is what I needed most and loved it. Built on the last session step by step, and can see how everything fits together. It worked well


-Patrick Roulston - CrossFit and Running Coach

From the mentorship I’ve taken improvements in anatomical and biomechanical knowledge, I have been able to apply it to my clients and members of my gym on a daily basis.

Overall very satisfied and feel like I have learnt a lot.

-Elliot Meeten - Head Coach - XLab Worthing


My key takeaways from the mentorship were learning about the actual causes of injuries/issues people experience with movements. Everything was very well explained and clear and the course contained a good amount of both theory and practical.


Saskia Collins - CrossFit Coach

The key benefit I took away from the mentorship was that everything is everything - it’s all connected! There was nothing else I would like to have covered, I was very satisfied by the volume of the program and it was very relevant and helpful for my work.


-Max Rusowski - Weightlifting and CrossFit Coach

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